Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"You get the government you vote for"

Do we really?

The talk of this election has been less about issues and much more about speech interpretation, and ill timed news releases. Elections it seems have become much more about a popularity contest he said she said than about what a cantidate intends to do.

So after all the Enquirer style fluff blows over it still comes down to whether your vote counts when you become the wizard behind the curtain. Now we have electronic voting machines
But we seem to just have exchanged hanging chads for bugs.

Honestly all of it tires me. I want to give in to the little voice in my head that says ...oh bother.

At least some of us vote for the government we get.


Blogger nicknameless said...


not assuming gov't tampering just the unlikelyhood of an error free system

10:18 AM  
Blogger cerebral scribbles said...

Unfortunately it will always be an emotionally charged popularity contest fueled by what candidates intend to do. (based on popular issues, of course) Remember though that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It would be nice if instead of hearing intentions we saw actions. Sadly, our society has become accustomed to coddling and exception that it makes any system completely fallible. Someone will always find a loophole and exploit the hell out of it...and once the media gets a hold of it, God. Don't even get me started on the media.

I think John Mayer sums it up pretty well in his song "Waiting for the World to Change", but I like this line in particular: "...and when you trust your television
what you get is what you got
cause when they own the information, oh
they can bend it all they want."

12:14 PM  

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