Monday, May 29, 2006

Hardchargers and Bodybags

Today I got up quite cheerily (for me at least) around 6am and made my way over to the Memorial day criterium on a whim. Some of my favorite people were going to be there and damn if it wasn't a lovely day.

I was a little nervous to say the least as I rolled up to the line pinned up by Miss Mary on my silly new bike. I haven't done one of these roundy round bits in a while so I listened intently to the quirky somewhat overanimated official as he read off the rules. Just as I was beginning to relax and be ready for the whistle the official reminds us to be careful out there...and oh by the way he says I don't want anyone going home in a body bag today....uh...gulp? Did he just say body bag? Oh crap there's the whistle...uh legs, check, lungs, check, brain, mmm

With the body bag comment still reeling in my head I was cautious through the first few corners. After a couple laps I finally settled in and felt a bit more solid. I wandered around in the pack just getting the feel of being out there. It was fun. In retrospect though I would have done a couple things differently. 1) Uh...don't attack alone just before the preem. 2) I wish I had gotten in the right position to give Soni shelter from the wind and some form of a leadout on the last lap. 3) Do not listen to little men wearing blue

Thank you Agent Starling and Soni for your patience in the pack with me!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Morning Services

Dewy morning mist peppers my skin
perfect sermon enveloped in warm fog
from mother earths soft breath, gentle for now
she rumbles in the crashing waves
constrained as am I
rudely awakened
by the return to reality

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hidden Gem...

Puttering around p-base looking at all the Kitty Kat racing fun I come across this gem. How this polecat shot didn't make front page I dunno...maybe it's cause there was just so much quality fodder.

Monday, May 15, 2006

For PAB...

from mutterings over morning coffee a revelation on unique gourmet coffees....

The Straight Poop

The answer to everything....

"Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious and anything self-conscious is lousy. You cannot try to do things. You simply must do things." Ray Bradbury

For example:

Today I didn't just TRY to get up in time to ride to work, I just did. It felt fanfrikkentabulous.

This weekend I did not think about whether pie would increase my waistline. I just snarfed it up like an addict with a key to the evidence room.

My advise... go forth, snarf pie, get up early, do things that make you smile.