Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Alright all Bah Hummbuggin and Sugarbucks jokes aside, I dig the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha love....

I would drink that happy goodness everyday twice a day if I were just immune to the sour tummy and wicked buzz that come with abuse. ;(

ahhh....well maybe one more to help me get through the next application. Yes, I said application...I'm finally there, i'll have my Mktg degree in hand so soon I can taste it but the fun isn't over yet. Now I get to bite my nails and pray as I wait to see what schools might accept my application for transfer while I scrape the wishing pond for pennies...shhhhh ;)

Monday, November 20, 2006

The one good thing

...about daylight savings is nightriding. Silly crazy empire strikes back kinda tunnel vision as you swoop through the trees at amazing speeds. ;) Love it...it scares me a bit when my eyes lock onto some tree placed directly in my way and I feel a George of the Jungle moment bubbling under the surface, but even then it's exhilerating.

I haven't done much night riding but I know the lights I have just aren't cutting it. So I'm gonna try some cool new toyzz...

Check em' out here www.brlights.com

Feel the force Luke......

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Friday came early!

You always wish it would but it rarely does...until now. Worked my caboosey off this week to get pretty much everything done by Thurs so I can wander off with my bikes for a few days and see what kinda trouble I can get myself into on two wheels.

Going to go here ;)

Haven't been there in at least a year. I'm soooo looking forward to it. Especially since I get to ride with this nut!

After I might do a little bit o' this

Photo courtesy of Linda Locke

But who knows maybe I'll just go to the beach with a good book, a blanket and some hooch in a flask and enjoy the afternoon. In the end well.....

Sometimes that's just how it has to be.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fresh Air

I need to settle into the days tasks and bury myself in the work at hand, but i'm not ready just yet. Instead I will sit here and sip my Gingerbread Mocha thing and daydream about riding later. As I dream about feel of a tight turn and exhilaration of a drop to a vista where I can breathe free, I know that a solo ride is just what I need to clear my head. Yes, that will do nicely.


"Gingerbread Mocha" ....ummm is anyone else disturbed by the slow creep of Cristmas ever closer to summer? I went into some store week before last and the whole thing was decorated for Christmas with some overplayed bad cover of a rondom carol chittering overhead in the tinny speakers. Bah...hum bug

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

From the horses mouth

With very American cynicism I listen to the various news outlets spoon feeding me bits of information strained, twisted, and reformed for the sake of ratings and I wonder where in those bits lies the truth. If I took each piece and refit them together like the colors in a stained glass window when I step back will I get the whole picture?

Today I found a fascinating piece of glass to add to my disfunctional window on the world..... http://aliveinbaghdad.org/

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"You get the government you vote for"

Do we really?

The talk of this election has been less about issues and much more about speech interpretation, and ill timed news releases. Elections it seems have become much more about a popularity contest he said she said than about what a cantidate intends to do.

So after all the Enquirer style fluff blows over it still comes down to whether your vote counts when you become the wizard behind the curtain. Now we have electronic voting machines
But we seem to just have exchanged hanging chads for bugs.

Honestly all of it tires me. I want to give in to the little voice in my head that says ...oh bother.

At least some of us vote for the government we get.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


It is amazing to me how in a few moments time words can deftly transport you into anothers mind. Their chosen story painted on a limitless canvas as they are not constrained by the stroke of their brush or quality of film. A few words strung like dewdrops along a blade of grass, hanging pregnant with meaning can bear fruit brimming with lucious joy to venomous heartbreak.